Wednesday 6 June 2018

Cinnamon powder is best health and kitchen partner

Cinnamon is a powerful spice that is used to cure many diseases for thousands of years. It comes from the bark of tropical evergreen tree and harvested inside the bark of the tree. It is used in many cultures due to its ever-lasting features.
It has sweet and warming taste and the best thing about this powder is that it can be used in the range of cookies, dishes and cakes to enhance the taste. Some people might love using it in beverages like coffee or tea. So the cinnamon powder on your kitchen shelf is the must.
cinnamon powder benefits

Cinnamon powder has the number of benefits and here we elaborate some of these.
Helps in Type 2 Diabetes:
Cinnamon plays a vital role in controlling blood glucose level. It is well known for blood sugar lowering effects. Cinnamon has been shown to lowers the amount of glucose that enters in blood stream.  It also helps to lower the cholesterol level of patients suffering with diabetes. It can lower blood sugar levels up to 10-29%.
Works against Cancer:
Cancer is a serious disease but cinnamon is used in cancer treatment and preservation. Cinnamon acts by formation of blood vessel in tumors and reducing the growth of cancer cells. It may be a potent activator of detoxifying enzymes in colon, which may help in further cancer growth.  Moreover, it has many effects in respiratory system.
Weight Loss:
Cinnamon aids in weight loss plan. Your body ultimately loses weight because cinnamon effects on the blood glucose. The antibacterial properties of cinnamon also aids in losing weight. It is more beneficial if added in regular diet.
Reduce the risk of Heart Disease:
The most common cause of premature death is heart disease but cinnamon plays an important role in reducing the risk of this disease. It reduces the cholesterol level in your blood. It may also help to reduce blood pressure. When combined, all these facts may reduce the risk of heart attack.
Anti-inflammatory Properties:
Inflammation in the body is most important that helps to fights the body diseases and repair the damaged tissues. Cinnamon also lowers swelling so it may be beneficial in pain, as it helps to relieve muscles pain and allergic reactions.
Fight against Fungi and Bacteria:
There is an active component in Cinnamon called cinnamaldehyde, which helps to fight against much kind of infections. The antimicrobial effects aid to prevent tooth decay and bad breath. It helps to treat respiratory infections caused by fungi. It also retards the growth of bacteria.
High Source of Anti-oxidants:
Cinnamon is ranked no 7 antioxidant among all herbs and spices according to OTAC scale. Cinnamon consists of a variety of antioxidants that reduce the aging process. It may also reduce many forms of oxidative stress.
Try adding this amazing cinnamon powder in your daily diet to get rid of many health problems.

cinnamon health benefits

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